Sunday, October 2, 2011


GREAT news today on day +12!!!!!!

I'm just going to start this blog saying that my body ROCKS and can kick some serious cancer ASS!! and yes, i'll note that my side kick, stem cell man, helped me in this process.

Last night I only asked for more pain medicine once; and this was because I didn't wake up to excruciating pain but only to the nurses walking in. Granted my mouth and throat still hurt but I can definitely feel that it's getting BETTER!!! knowing this, I asked my nurse to give me a copy of my counts to see if they went up at all. Right as she handed them to me one of my doctors came in and said "oh no! she spoiled the surprise! i wanted to tell you the good news!" well, the good news is that my WBC count jumped from 1.5 to 5.8...5.8!!!!!! that's above the minimal amount you need to be normal!!! I also saw that my neutrafil count was normal as well! My hemoglobin is still a little low but has been a steady 9.5 for a couple of days now and my platelets went UP by themselves!!! I'm so proud!! So i finally have some soldiers on my side to kick the bacteria out of my mouth and throat and start healing these wounds i've had for a week now. Another good thing about this is that my visitors don't have to wear a mask and gloves around me now :) I can see their faces again! everyone was so excited about this and Jan and Janet brought me cupcakes to celebrate :) P.s. the doc told me that if my numbers continue to be this good (because they are taking me off of nupagen which may cause my cell count to lower a bit) then I could be released by FRIDAY!!!!!!!!!! yay!!!!!! awesome awesome awesome! I've been here in the hospital for 20 days now but it really doesn't feel like it's been that long at all. but i'll be happy to be back in my own bed!

My dad is off work now for the rest of the week so we will have time to hang out together after nana the caregiver goes back to forida. It's been so nice having nana here and having her to help me through the painful times.

however, the few days have been a little weird for me...i've been very loopy and silly for no real reason. I think with the not eating food (or eating then throwing up) and taking really strong pain killers has started to mess with my head. I am so DROWSY all the time (could be from the lack of sleep too) and when i'm that drowsy i just get silly. I have conversations in my head that i think i'm having in real life and when i answer a question that i thought nana asked...nana tells me she has no idea what i'm talking about. and i'm like...really? hmmmm...and then i can't remember where that came from haha. i also have to focus my eyes really hard to see straight which is difficult to do when you are also battling your eyelids to stay open. my eyes are glazed over and i zone out very quickly in a conversation. I'm also not very hungry so eating gets hard to do and can make me nauseous.

in 3 days (if my counts stay high) i can eat on a regular diet again. however, my mouth still really hurts and food still tastes weird so I would much rather have those go away first before i can eat real food again.

Momma returns on Thursday, Nana leaves Tuesday morning and Lully doesn't get to come here at all like she was planning to do. I hope she gets to come soon! and luckily i wont be in the hospital when she does!

OH! i asked my doctor if these WBC were mine or trav's cells and she said they are defiitely his cells. they have been giving me a drug (they call it chemo but it really itsn't chemo) that suppresses my cells and allows travy's cells to grow and take over. that was a huge relief to hear...cause i didn't want MY cells coming back at all...they are in time out FOREVER.

Cassidy is staying the night with me while nana sleeps at the hilton with my dad. Cass has tomorrow off so it will be good to have him around since he has been mia with sickness and work :(

I have been a bad girl and has not done any exercises today. I don't know whats up with me but even though I slept pretty good through the night i was exhausted today. I just laid in bed, napped and relaxed all day while nana and dad were out.

oh yeah, something kida funny happed early this morning around 4:00 am. I got weighed and since i haven't really been eating a lot and most of what i eat gets thrown up and honestly unless water has fat in it there is no way i should be gaining weight! HOWEVER i went from weighing 118 lbs to 123 lbs in ONE day. be and nana were laughing so hard about this because it just makes no sense at all. i'm like "oh man, all this water i drink goes straight to me thighs". just thought i'd share that with you.

anyways i'm going to shower now. I hope you all are as excited about this news as i am. i hope that by this time next week i'll be home writing my blog on my comfy couch!

love you all!


p.s. i'm losing all my hair again. I think i would've have been a brunette so for those of you who are making bets to what color hair i'll have after this can put down brunette for round one. BUT round two could be completely different! maybe i'll be a redhead this time...or blue? who knows!

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