Wednesday, December 7, 2011

wake up. shuttle to mda, magnesium 3 hrs, shuttle home, sleep, and repeat

hello world. sorry it has almost been a month since i've written! I got into a little funk because of my repetitous days going back and forth to MDA EVERYDAY. argh. its exhausting waking up early everyday, lugging around 2-3 bags, waiting to get blood drawn (wait time varies between 10min- 1 hour), going to the ambulatory treatment center and waiting another 1-2 hours, going to a bed and getting magnesium for 3 hours, then going up to visiting my friend Lori who in an inpatient right now and I'm trying to give her my support since she has none, then catching the shuttle back home around 4 or 5 pm and crashing on the couch. and repeat for the next day. i don't even have weekends off. in fact, my first day off of fluids ever is tomorrow and guess what? i still have to come to MDA for a survivor follow-up visit and an eye appointment. dang it. at least i get to sleep in a litte bit.

so bucha was here for 3 weeks right before my mom left to go back to Kauai. It was sad to see my mom go but happy to have bucha here with me. she taught me how to knit and i helped her make a couple pairs of the bedroom slippers we have for sale on my store. it was so great having her here and her time with me just flew by way too fast.

i was alone for 4 days before Nana arrived in town. it was pretty shocking to have no one here with me (cassidy is usually off at work) and I started to have a lot of anxiety over it. luckily nana came and she has been taking good care of me (she says hello :)). I'm on day 78! Today is also nana's husband's birthday; he would be 78 (ironically) today...we all love and miss him sooooo much! Nana has been thrilled to be here and enjoys spending time with me (as i do her).

Today we went christmas tree shopping with my friend kelly. we all decided an artificial tree would be the smartest thing for me to get so we headed off to hobby lobby in search of something good. unfortunately even with everything 50% off they were all too expensive. we hopped over to lowes and we found a perfect 7 ft tree with pine cones and berries on it for $127! perfect! that is nana's christmas gift for me this year and i appreciate it so much! a very nice man offered to bring it to kelly's SUV for us which was very sweet because it's in a big box. I'm very excited about decorating it.

my cousin Ale and our friend Matt is coming to town next friday. me and cassidy are very excited to have our friends visit! I can't wait for travis, big tam and chelsea to come too. also my friends contessa and kainoa might be making a visit as well! it's going to be busy but with people i love and care about :D

my dad was here last weekend and we spent time with jan and janet and of course ate good food. my cousin John is here this week for work so we had lunch with him yesterday and will see him again tomorrow.

OH! i really had meant to right a blog about here is the cliff notes version:
nana arrived the night before thanksgiving; since angel and tom (from austin) wanted to go to the thanksgiving football game (UT vs T A&M) we went over to Tiffany's for burgers and football on thanksgiving. we met josh's parents who are from oklahoma.
the next day was our t-day and i was stuck at MDA all day. we didn't get done until about 4 or 5pm. cassidy worked until 6 so we were planning on going over to Tiffany's as soon as we all got home. Tiffany, josh and his mom cooked all day and made an amazing meal. unfortunately my new medication killed my appetite and i only could eat a child's portion of delicious food. we all went around the table and said what we were thankful for...

I just want to say that i am SO thankful to have the most AMAZING support group anyone could ever ask for. I am thankful for my friends and family who have been by me this whole 6 months and helping me keep positive through this experience. I have met multiple people who's families don't care about them and find them an inconvience. i am trying to spend my time with Lori who doesn't really have anyone sit by her side all day and just give her company like I had the ENTIRE time i was in the hospital. I am thankful to be alive and healthy and getting through my transplant with no problems. i love everyone so much and i don't know how i could have gotten through this without you all. you have given me the strength i needed to go through this with my head held high. I'm almost done and in 3 more months i'll be able to work and volunteer again. I can't wait :) thank you for your love and support...know that i appreciate it everyday.

love you all,


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