Saturday, June 8, 2013

My 2 year cancerversary

I am pleased today knowing that I have come so far in my treatment since June 8th 2011; chemotherapy that got me into remission, moving 5,000 miles away from my home with my bf and mom to a new city, meeting all the wonderful people who surrounded me during my stay in Texas and those who I consider like family now (Jan, Janet, Kelly, Boyd Family, etc.), harvesting my eggs and fertilizing them (I got 3!), surviving Bulsofan chemotherapy and its side effects and mouth sores, a stem cell transplant thanks to my donor, Travis (my brother!), having amazing nurses including my very best friend Kelly to help me through my mouth sores, constipation, doubts and worries, pain and boredom, finding Zoe who has been by my side to help me with my recovery, to getting engaged last year on this day to the most amazing man who has stayed by my side and almost killed himself with worry every step of the way through my treatment but never showed it on his face; who brought me to the ER two years ago today because I was sick; who stayed in the hospital for about a month as I went through my frist round of chemotherapy; who worked tirelessly so that I had a nice place to stay near the hospital and would come running if I ever called; who loved and cared for me 110% everyday no matter how hard it got and for making me laugh and smile through the bad days, telling me that its going to be fine and that we will get through this, and, finally, staying sick and infection free for almost 2 years! Unfortunately within getting sick the first time (about 2 or 3 weeks ago) I got sick again (possibly from having too much fun when Kelly came to visit) and am stopping to take breaks from writing this to cough. But never worry! I have been to my doctor here and he has given me anti-biotics to help with my possible sinus infection and I have been at home resting while Cassidy keeps my glass filled with POG (passion orange guava juice). I took off of work yesterday because I had a low fever of 100.58 degrees but today I have had only a temp of 99 degrees. Hopefully I will be all better by Monday to go back to work!

My boss is in California doing a Pilates conference and getting more information about the BASI Pilates Teaching certification that she will hold at her clinic on Oahu and which I am planning on taking this fall. She said that they have some scholarships available and she will get some more information about them so that I won't have to pay for the certification classes. I am so excited about my first step into the BASI Pilates world and the amazing doors it will open for me to further my learning in Pilates. Thank you Linda for helping me find my new path and for getting my foot in the door with BASI Pilates! Im sorry I got sick and had to miss work while you were gone :(

I am so fortunate to have continued support throughout everything I have been through. I don't know what I would have done without you all praying for me, thinking of me and sending me positive vibes to encourage me to always fight! Thank you for sticking with me and putting up with my flaky blogs and for continuing to read them! As I look back to 2 years ago I never would have thought what amazing people I would meet on my way to recovery and how, if given the chance to do it all again, I would. I look forward to this next year and all that encompasses it (my first Pilates certification, graduating with my BS in Kinesiology and Rehab Science, moving back to Texas) and never knowing what the future holds for me but I will continue to go forward with my head held high (and good posture) to take on whatever new challenges come my way.

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