Sunday, July 3, 2011

The next phase begins...

So a lot has happened in two days. From Thursday to Friday I was so happy to hear about my biopsy results. My Doc had mentioned going home Saturday and I was more than ready to go. What I didn't expect when Friday came along was how good my counts were (pretty much doubled since the day before) and that they were discharging me THAT day! It was out of nowhere! The nurses didn't even know. Cassidy was at work and supposed to be there until 10:00pm that night but luckily Apple let him off at 6:00pm; that gave me and Bucha 3 hours to clean and pack up my room! It amazed me how much stuff I had accumulated in 3 weeks from packages and my mother (she bought a bunch of blankets and pillows from Ross when she was at the hospital my first week). After waiting an hour for an escort to wheel me to the front with Bucha trailing behind with a cart full of our stuff, we were able to load everything into Cassidy's car and head home.

It was AMAZING sleeping in my own bed and not getting woken up throughout the night (though I did wake up around 5am just because I was used to it). We got up and ran some errands and took 2 naps before my parents got in around 2-3pm. I had so much more energy just catching up on sleep. As for eating, I had a bowl of cereal for breakfast and a WHOLE cheeseburger for lunch. It feels so good eating again and NOT getting sick :) High carb, high protein diet and I am going to try my best to gain some weight before I start my next round of chemo.

My mom had an appointment at my job Diamond Head Chiropractic so I went with her to get some muscle work done cause I was all sorts of messed up from being in a hospital bed for 3 weeks. Before working on me, I was able to get some energy work done on me by Lynette who teaches pilates next door. It was very cool and she is giving me some books to read about the healing powers of spirituality and energy. She told me I need to focus my energy to myself to allow my body to heal. It will be very interesting to read these books. After that I got worked on by Jesse. I found out a lot about what was going on in the office and the many many changes that were occurring there. That and me getting cancer were definitely wearing Jesse out. I feel so bad because I loved working there and it hurts knowing that I can't help him through this hard time because I have to leave. He did some work on me, definitely hitting some spots that I've held a lot of emotion in. It is definitely hard to let go of all the pain and changes that my body has gone through these past 3 weeks. Jesse is slowly getting me to let go of it all and help get the pain out of my body. I will be going back Monday to see him and let him finish up and hopefully get my body ready for round two in Houston.

We had a lovely dinner at Assagio's with my mom, dad, Bucha and Cassidy. I'm definitely getting my full appetite back and it feels great to get hungry again.

It's definitely getting hard when i think about leaving to Houston. I am going to miss my sister and Maile so much. When they leave me messages on my phone I cry because I know it's going to be at least a year before I'm allowed to see my niece again. It also is sinking in more and more everyday that I have cancer and that my life will forever be changed; for the good or bad I don't know yet. I know that this experience will change me and my plans for my life...I know that nothing is planned and supposed to happen...It's just hard because I did haver a plan for myself; to graduate and get into Physical Therapy school. However, I can't control my life so I know I have to take this challenge and learn everything I can from it. I just don't know what the lesson is yet....maybe one day I will understand why all of this happened.

I am, again, so thankful for all of your support through this difficult time in my life. It scares me so much and makes me sad at times but I do my best to keep my head up and smile. Sometimes it's hard to do it but I always have Cassidy besides me to lift me up when I am down. Thank you for all of your positive energy. I need it. I hope everyone is well and I will write again soon. I love you all.



  1. Hi Savannah,
    Although cancer is a change in life, believe it or not, there is some blessing in the experience. I remember hearing and reading this when I was first diagnosed and coming to grips with it. I had a very hard time believing those that spoke of the blessing. However, having gone through my own cancer journey (and still going through it to some degree), I now agree with them. You will see what we all mean in the long run, but in the mean time, focus on you (as recommended by Lynette) and take one event at a time. You'll get through everything, but you only need to get through the next thing now. We are all pulling, praying, supporting and sending good thoughts. Keep it up, your doing great!
    ~ Steve

  2. Hey Savy!
    I'm so glad you got to go home and sleep in your own bed :) It was very hard for me and Maile to watch mom and dad get on the air plane to go and be with you while we stayed here. I'm so sad that I can't be by your side while you're going thru all of this, and I'm missing you so much. Maile talks about you all the time, she was wearing her Kauai Bikini today and told anyone who would listen to her at the beach that her aunty savy got it for her. Your kitty misses you too... he's been hanging out in your room, I think he smells you in there. He's adjusting very well to his new environment and is warming up to Bailey. I miss you and can't wait to be with you again. love you

  3. Hey Savy

    I'm so glad you're home and sleeping well and eating! Also good to hear your parents are with you and you got to enjoy a night out. Say hi to everyone for me! Still thinking of you all the time and Travy misses you so much- I know he can't wait to see you in Houston. We are here for you if you need anything. It may not be easy, but you will get through it, Houston may be far from home and it may put a stall in your plans, but you WILL get better and you WILL achieve all of the goals you have!



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