Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Fluids anyone?

Oh the days are starting to get repetitive. Thankfully MDA has not only begun to lessen the amount of fluids I get at one point but they are only having me come into the hospital 3 times a week. That gives me 4 days at home to sit on my couch and...get fluids. Let's just say this was getting old for me the first WEEK they had me doing this. Today is my first day of getting a Liter of Magnesium sulfate instead of the oringinal liter and a half...for those who are wondering it's still a lot of liquid and it still takes about 3 hours to pump into me. argh.

Last weekend was a good weekend. Our good friend Terry came down from Utah to visit for the weekend; he treated me to a massage (it was more relaxing than anything beneficial for my muscles..but it was a nice change and it felt good to relax) and hung out with our neighbors Melissa and Daniel. Me and Cass carved pumpkins with Melissa, Daniel and some of their friends that live in our apartment complex. It was nice meeting new people and it was fun getting all the pumpkin out :) Cass did the carving while I held the paper that had the picture of what our jack-o-lantern was going to become...a cat with wings :D It came out pretty good actually (the cat was a little too skinny) and Cass was a perfectionist to make it look clean cut. It was super cool to look at at night with a candle in it but by a couple of days it had started to wilt :( It didn't even make it to halloween, the poor kitty. Afterwards we all spent time with mom and Terry and told stories and got to know each other a little bit more.

I exercised for the first time since the transplant the other day with Cassidy...I went on the treadmill and actually ran a little bit (and by a little bit I really do mean a little bit leg strength is definitely on the low side). It definitely felt good to move and I could tell my body liked it as well. I've been getting really tight in my upper back and shoulders from my lack of sustaining a good posture and not stabilizing like I should be...I've definitely started to get better though now that I have the energy to sit up and not slouch. I have an appointment today with a physcial therapist who will do an evaluation and give me a list of things to do at home to get my strength back....even though I know a lot of exercises to help me out I wanted to see a PT just to see what she'll tell me to do and get some experience of being the patient and not the PT. Also if they have a nice gym that I can work out in then it's another bonus for me to be there :D. We shall see how that goes!

I got the results from my bone marrow biopsy back. They were checking to see if there was any leukemic cells and (insert drum roll) it was all clear! So far so good on remaining in remission :) Hopefully travy's cells kick the leukemia cells' butts and I'll never have to do chemotherapy EVER again. It's going to be months before my body is back to normal after this last crazy dose of chemo they gave me. It killed my pigment cells in my skin making it look brown and now it's starting to come off, making me look all spotty and diseased....yuck. I also probably won't start getting my hair back until December or January. I wonder what color it will be and what it will look like when it comes back...what do you think? We can put some wagers down and make this interesting! :P

I should find out next week what percentage of Travy's cells are in my body vs. my cells. By 100 days (we are at 36) it should be 100% taken over by travy cells.

If you go to you can make a donation or visit my store at and buy hand made items (perfect for the holidays); all the proceeds will go towards my medical bills tbat are slowly piling up. This whole not being able to work thing doesn't make it easy to pay them off. Any help will be GREATLY appreciated with love from me and my family. I already am in debt to you all for just taking the time to read my silly blogs. You all have done so much already...I hope you know that I am thankful to have your support and positive energy being sent my way.

I hope you all have a happy and safe halloween!

with love,


  1. Fluid Fun! I remember the days in the infusion clinic getting saline just to get rehydrated. Great fun indeed! I hope that whoever is giving you your fluids have a great touch with the needle. It makes such a difference! Keep up the good fight & Beat the Beast!

  2. oh don't worry they kept my CVC ports because they knew that I would be needing the fluids for 100 days. I only have to get poked to test the levels of the prograft drug I'm taking :)


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