Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Thank god the light at the end of the tunnel isn't a train

Day +15!

So the last couple of days have been spent with my dad and I have had a great time with him here at MDA. Yesterday morning Nana left to go back home to Florida; we had a fun 10 days together and I can't believe how fast the time went by. I am thankful to have had the time spent with her and I can't wait to see her again in November :)

On the way to dropping Nana off at the airport Dad took a load of stuff from my room back to my apartment so that there is less to move when it is time to move out of the hospital. We were able to do that again today and slowly my room is looking less like my room and more like a plain hospital room. After the errands in the morning I went to go paint with Ian in the family lounge and work on the piece i am currently working on. I was there for a little over an hour before my nurse handed me my medicine that I had to take; it was in liquid form because my throat was too sore to take regular pills. It was almost time to wrap up my session anyways so as my dad started to clean up I quickly took my dose of medicine. I was feeling a little queasy prior to taking the medicine because it had been some time since I had eaten and that must have been enough to trigger something in my stomach because suddenly I wasn't feeling so good.

Let's just focus for a minute on my location; I am in the back of the family lounge with a table in front of me and to both sides of me. I am connected to my "tree" which holds my IV and there are a lot of chairs around me. The nearest sink or trash can is at the front of the room, about 20 feet away. Now back to not feeling so good.

I put my hand up to my mouth as my body jerked a little bit. with wide eyes I frantically look at my dad who realizes quickly that we need to He has to back up and help move my tree to help get me out of my tight spot or this could end up messy for everyone. I step around him as fast as i can and just as I feel my stomach contents start pooling in my hand I lean over the trash can and throw up everything that I possibly had in my stomach. Let's remember for a second that I still have throat and mouth sores and throwing up is NOT the most comfortable act I could be doing. After emptying my stomach and cleaning up my hand and face I look around to see if I had made a mess on the carpet or anywhere else. Surprisingly no one or thing got hit in this attack. I gathered my things and headed back to my room to change and freshen up (I had gotten a little bit on my pants :( ).

Once I was feeling better Dad and I decided to head to the barber shop that they have for the patients on floor 6 and look at their wigs that they have to offer for free for the patients. Each patient is given one wig of their liking and I was excited to try a new look. Their selection was small but I had an idea of what I wanted; a brunette wig. I tried on a few wigs while dad took pictures of them on my iphone. we quickly decided on a long haired brunette wig that dad says makes me look like Zooe Claire Deschanel. As I am talking to the lady to check me out Dad is talking to a woman who was there with her mom, and it was her mom who was about to start treatment here. The mom didn't want to get a wig but she didn't want the opportunity to go to waste so she asked me if I wanted to pick out another wig and the mom get it for me. It was a very sweet thing for her to do for me so I said yes and picked out a cute short haired brunette wig. I am very thankful for her to do that for me and I hope she does well with her treatment.

After walking away with 2 new wigs Dad and I walked down to Kim's place to hang out with Mary, the lady who runs the arcade room. We mostly talked story and watched my dad get beat by almost 100 points on basketball (Mary has way too much time on her hands and makes almost every shot) before leaving to go back up to my room. We ate some food and as we were settling down for bed we decided to watch The Tourist, which I had seen before but not my dad...I ended up sleeping through most of it anyways.

Today was a busy day again. My dad got some more stuffed packed up to take to the apartment. Since the car was at Jan and Janet's house he ran the two miles to their house to pick up the car and drive it to MDA, pick up the stuff that I watched in the lobby, drive to the apartment and drop everything off then drive the car back to Jan and Janet's, eat lunch and then finally walk back to MDA. While all this was happening a man came up to me and told me that his wife was allergic to nickel and he showed me this pretty bracelet and asked if I wanted it. I accepted it and put it on my wrist. I am very thankful for the nice people I seem to be surrounded with everyday.

My nurse from the 11th floor, Kelly, came over to hang out with me today. Since I had scheduled an art class with Ian she joined us at the top of MDA and we all talked story while I worked on my painting. We were there for around an hour before going back to my room. She left about 3, with plans on seeing me on Saturday at my place if I ended up getting out on Friday. It was very nice hanging out with her today. Since it was only 3, after I ate a couple pieces of pasta and headed down with dad to Kim's place. We invited another friend, Laurie, down to hang out with us. After a game of pool (I beat dad!) Laurie came down and all four of us (Mary was there) played the game Trouble. guess who won?! By then it was 5:30 and time to head back to my room for dinner.

I attempted to eat enchiladas...but after taking some medicine and drinking a lot of water everything decided to come up. So far I have not eaten even a half a plate of food. I am hoping to leave on Friday but if I do not eat then they cannot release me. I only used fentanyl once today so hopefully they will take me off of that completely. Tomorrow I will hopefully be able to eat and take all my pills so that they will let me go!

I am exhausted after these two days. I have been moving all day and now it is time for bed. I hope that the next time I write a post it will be at home but only time will tell. I will let you know what happens next. i love you and good night!


p.s. just a few words to say how thankful i am that my journey through cancer has been a smooth and not too difficult of a journey. I know there are a lot of children and adults out there who are in a much more worse scenario than i am and I am so thankful for how my journey has gone. I hope that everyone I have met and seen gets better and recovers fully.

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