Friday, June 17, 2011

Its almost been a week!


Today is day 6 of chemotherapy! I have only one more bag of chemo to go through before i start my recovery process, which includes fever and me going bald! it will be interesting, but i'm not scared. i have had such an amazing time here just having all of your support and love sent my way! i wouldn't have been able to get this far without all of your love and prayers. thank you so much for everything!

some recent updates: i have my appetite back! good news; they feed me on a tight schedule; bad news: for the most part the food is quite tasteless. my friend Jamie is going to bring me a dominos pizza tomorrow! i am excited. the other bad news is this however; i have a VERY bad sore on my uvula (the little dangly thing in the back of your thoat) and it makes it hard to swallow or eat. at night i drool sooooo much because my body doesn't want to swallow anything!! haha so i have to position myself so that i don't drool everywhere or choke to death while sleeping :P let's just say i wake up throughout the night because of it. They said i have the sore because of my low white blood cell count; once chemo is over and they give me drugs to increase the numbers the sores should (hopefully!) go away.

Yesterday i began my own physical therapy program! since i have been teaching PT for almost 2 years now i think i should be a good patient and start doing some exercising to keep up my strength! i'm doing leg workouts and pilates, and they have a stationary bicycle i'm going to find myself on sooner than later once i have enough energy (usually after they give me blood or platelets :))

my mommma leaves tonight; it has been amazing having her here with me and keeping me company. i will miss her! chelsea is coming up this morning to take her place. she has been painting up a storm with maile and i can't wait to see what they have made for me! as my walls become more decorated i will take pictures :) chelsea will be here for 8 days and then my bucha will come up for a week :) that will definitely help with time passsing by. i just hope they don't go crazy bored hanging out with me for that long :(

well, i hope you all enjoy the update. i promise to try and do it every so often (when i have the energy for it). i'm slowly getting more peppy so cross your fingers that it lasts! i love you all and appreciate all the support and love you have sent me! i love seeing visitors so if you have the time i would love to see you!

thank you all for reading

1 comment:

  1. i love and miss u savannah wish i was there with you. But know I'm thinking and praying for you sending out letters from me and Brooke pictures as well. I would love to hear from you whenever you can. I love you xoxo sierra


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